About company


Plafor Sp.z o.o. is a Polish company which has been present on the market for many years, dealing with the production and distribution of plastic products. Located in the south of Poland, the company has its premises in Andrychów and Wieprz, approximately 60km from Kraków. With many years of experience and modernized production processes, we make every effort to respond to our clients’ needs and provide the highest quality products. Our sales markets are both national and international.


Plafor producent koszy i doniczek Plafor producent koszy i doniczek






Production department:

tel. 48 33 875 57 87
fax. 48 33 875 54 34
e-mail: ola@plafor.com.pl

Sales department:

tel. 48 33 870 41 30 / 870 41 33
tel.48 33 870 41 39
fax: 48 33 870 41 37


tel. 48 33 828 05 61
fax. 48 33 828 05 71
e-mail: plaforjonczyk@poczta.onet.pl

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